Search Screen

Sales – Search Screen

During the sale you can request to search an item than can’t be found on the Sales Screen.

It is also possible to search previous receipts to review or pay for them.

Here you can view a list of all items, sorted by name. Scroll down to view the full list.

If you select an item line you will see the related image to this item and the current stock units.

With the Price levels button you can see all the prices of this item.

At the touch of the Edit button the selected item’s information can be edited.

It is also possible to search by description if you enter some characters and tap the Filter button. Only the items that include those characters will be displayed on the list.

If you tap the Accept button, the selected item will be transferred to the sale.

You have the option of checking over all of the finished receipts by tapping the Search receipt button.

The image shows a list of finished receipts of the past 30 days. It can be displayed a different period by using the Date Filter.

If you select a receipt’s line and swipe to the left, to access the second search tab, you will see a print preview.

These are the actions you can perform over the selected receipt:

Now you can see that the previous receipt has changed its status to Paid out and the new receipt to Amend.

The current payment methods are displayed. You can cancel the pay lines and enter the new payment method.

Last updated