Course Orders

Setup – Advanced Setup

Course Orders are used to assign items in which order they should be prepared in the kitchen: as a starter, as a main course, dessert, etc.

Each item has a default course order, but at the time of sale you can change that order to, for example, serve a starter as a main course or vice versa.

Here, you can define different Orders.

If you want to edit/delete existing course orders, double tap on them.

Here, you can enter the data for the new course order:

  • Code: Here you can define the code for the course order. By default, the system generates a sequential code, which can be changed as long as it is unique.

  • Order: The different course orders will appear in this order.

  • Abbreviation: Here you can define an abbreviation of the course order name.

You can choose a color that will fill the entire button. The name will appear centered on the button.

You can create as many course orders as you wish.

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