Configuration Wizard
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FactoryPOS has a setup wizard that will guide you step by step in the configuration of the application according to your specific needs, being able to choose the language to use the application, the country or region where you are located, the type of business that best suits yours, the devices and peripherals you are going to use, etc. The whole process is done in a simple and intuitive way.
Here you can see the steps to follow to configure your application.
Software validation: If you have a license for the application you must activate the License type field, enter the purchased license code and click on the Activate button. If you do not have a license code, you can use the application in demo mode for 30 days.
Download Demo Database: If you have decided to use the application in demo mode, you have the option to Download a Demo database so that you can check all the software specifications, without the need to enter the configuration data. The program will restart automatically.
Installation type: If you select to work in a network environment, the setup wizard will stop and ask you for the SERVER data to which you will connect. This screen will not be displayed if you use demo mode.
FactoyPOS/CLOUD: You must identify yourself in FactoryCLOUD and assign the trade you will work with in the terminal. This screen will not be displayed if you use the demo mode.
Regions: By selecting the Region/Country, taxes, currencies, payment methods and any other settings particular to that Region will be generated automatically. For some regions the subsequent change of Region in the application is limited.
Models: Depending on the Business Model chosen, some parameters will be configured by default and others will not be shown. This makes the configuration easier.
Peripherals: Here, you can define the Peripherals and Devices connected to the application.
Company Data: You should enter here your business data, which will be used to define the ticket header.
Users: You should enter here the users that will work in the application and their level of access permissions.
Price levels: You must enter here the purchase and sale price levels that you will use.
Items: You must enter here the items that your business will sell.
Discounts: You will be able to enter here the discounts that you are going to apply to your customers, percentage or by amount.
Additional Parameters: You will be able to define here the particular mode with which this terminal will work.
Once you have entered the data in the wizard you will be able to use the terminal.