Installation type
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FactoryPOS is an application that works perfectly as a standalone terminal, but there is also the option of creating a network with other devices. It is possible to connect it to another terminal that has FactoryPOS with a SERVER license.
Standalone use: Selecting this option means that this terminal will work autonomously and will not connect to any other terminal on the network.
Network with FactoryPOS: By selecting this option, it means that you are going to network this terminal with another Android terminal with a FactoryPOS SERVER license that will store and manage all the databases.
In the Database Server field, you must manually enter the IP address of the Android terminal that has the SERVER license. We recommend pressing the List of available SERVERS button to perform an automatic search for the terminal with the SERVER license on the network and when selecting it, fill in the data automatically.
Select the IP address of the SERVER and it will be added automatically.
In the Database Server field, enter the IP address of the terminal that has the SERVER license.
In case you have to enter it manually, you must use the following format:
Where 192.168.x.x is the IP address of the SERVER.
You will also need to enter a Terminal Code for your device. Use a terminal number that is not in use on the network. We recommend using consecutive numbers, from 01 onward.
After configuring the communication with the SERVER, you will be offered the possibility of Synchronizing the databases with the server to receive all the configuration data.
Install as SERVER: By selecting this option, you allow the application to behave as if it were a server.