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Once the Initial Configuration of the application is done, through the configuration wizard, the system will already have some users created. You will be able to edit them or add new ones.
Here you can enter the data of the new user:
Code: By default, the system generates a sequential code, which can be changed as long as it is unique.
Status: Here we select if this user is Active or Inactive.
Name: Here you must enter the user's name.
Access Type: Choose Training if you want to use this user account for Training or Learning the application. Sales made with this user are stored and recorded separately from regular sales.
User's personal data: You can use these fields to enter the user's contact data.
Password: Here you can enter a numeric password if you want the user to be prompted each time he/she enters the application.
User Card: You can use a Magnetic Card or RFID Device to identify the user. Read it here to assign it to this user.
Image: Here you can choose the image that best represents the user.
Choose an image from the WEB catalog, selecting the classification that best fits. This option appears when you have authenticated in FactoryCLOUD and assigned the store.
Choose a color that will fill the entire button. The name will appear centered on the button.
Use your own images. Use the Android Gallery to search for images on your terminal or on an external device connected to it. It is recommended to choose images of a small size.
If your device has a Camera, you can take a picture.
Once the users are created we can check their permissions and access.
When choosing the user, you must swipe the screen to the left to access the user's permissions management tab.
The permissions with the checkbox selected (in red) are the ones activated for that user. To cancel a permission uncheck the corresponding checkbox.
Here you can see a brief description of each permission:
Reporting: Allows access to the Statistics and Reports menu.
Documents: Allows access to the Documents menu, which is where the stocks control is performed.
Utilities: Allows access to the Utilities menu, within the Setup.
Application Setup: Allows access to the Setup menu of the application.
Final Day Report: Allows access to the Cash Closing.
Z Report: Allows access to the Z Reports.
Access to external applications: In the software versions in which FACTORYPOS is used as Android Launcher, it allows access to a number of external applications.
Access to Android settings: In software versions in which FACTORYPOS is used as Android Launcher, it allows access to the Android Configuration.
Data editing
Modify Customers: Allows to modify data in the Customers file.
Modify Users: Allows to modify data in the Users file.
Manage discounts: Allows to create, edit and delete discounts.
Modify Fee Setup: Allows the user to modify the parameters of the fees.
Cloud Configuration: Allows the user to modify Cloud configurations.
Manage Plan: Allows the user to change the current plan.
Payment Gateways
Change parameters on payment gateway: Allows the user to change the payment gateway parameters.
Perform Cash Back process: Allows the user to perform the cashback process.
Tax parameters
Change fiscal parameters: Allows the user to access the configuration screen of the fiscal link parameters of the business.
Use Discounts: Allows the application of discounts on a sale.
Change prices: Allows the change of the price of an item during the sale.
Delete Sales Lines: Allows the deletion of a line of a receipt during the sale.
Change Name on receipt: Allows you to change the name of a sold product during the sale process.
Invitations: Allows to use the Invitation option, to offer a product for free.
Delete Receipt: Allows to completely cancel the current receipt.
Modify Receipt lines: Allows you to change the quantities sold of an item on a receipt before cashing it.
Create new items on sale screen: Allows to create items from sale.
Do not delete sales lines already sent to production: Prevents the user from deleting receipt lines that have already been sent to production.
Unblock Receipts: Allows to release a receipt marked as blocked (with a red dot).
Search Receipts: Allows to search for receipts.
Print reports from sales screen: Allows the user to print a report from the sales screen.
Override User Locked Receipts: Allows to open receipts from other users.
Change price level on sales screen: Allows to change the rate or price level of the item in the sales screen.
Allow to tender receipts: Allows to collect receipts.
Fast tender: Allows to use the button that finalizes the sale without going through the collection screen.
Modify Tender Method: In the receipt search screen, allows you to change the Payment Method of an already completed receipt.
Cancel receipt: In the receipt search screen, allows you to cancel a receipt and create a new amendment if necessary.
Can delete fees: Allows to delete surcharge.
Eliminate Cash Discounting: Allows the user to delete cash discount.
Print proforma: Allows the user to print proforma.
Cash Report
View Cash Balance: Allows the user to view on screen the amounts corresponding to the Cash Closing.
Create cash movements: Allows the user to create new cash movements (Payments, Revenues).
Modify cash movements: Allows to modify previously created cash movements.
See previous daily reports: In the Cash Closings screen, it shows all the Cash Closings. If the permission is disabled, it only shows the current one.
Reopen the business hours report: Allows the user to continue making sales after a manual close Z report before the preset time.
Open Cash Drawer: Allows the use of the Cash Drawer Open key.
Click on the button to add a new user, or long press on a user to edit/delete it.
You can add an image using the button. You are given several options for image selection: