Main Screen
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This is the main screen of FactoryPOS. From here you can access all the screens and menus of the application.
User Login: Through this option, you can change the user that is identified and using the application.
Sales: Through this option, you can access the sales screen.
This menu is always displayed on the left side; it contains a series of functionalities that will depend on the screen you are on and the access permissions of the authenticated user.
Clicking on any of the options that comprise it accesses the interface corresponding to that functionality.
FactoryPOS/CLOUD: It is accessed by clicking on the authenticated user's logo. This option shows the synchronization screen with FactoryCLOUD.
Data settings: Through this option you can add and edit the configuration and databases of the application. This option only appears if you are on the main screen.
Clock-in / Clock-out: This option appears if you activate the User's Enter / Exit mode in the Additional Parameters. Here you will be able to register the entries and exits of the users.
Tickets List: This option allows you to search for receipts. This option only appears if you are on the main screen.
Documents: Through this option you will be able to access the Stock Management Documents.
Close the app: Through this option you will be able to exit the application. This option only appears if you are on the main screen.
Language: Select the language with which you want to use the application.
Backup Copy: This option allows you to make and restore backup copies of the application's databases. The copies can be made both in the internal memory of the terminal, as well as in external devices.
Send event log: This option collects information from the application and sends it to technical support. It should only be used in case technical support requires it, since the information sent can help to solve an error.
Setup: If the terminal is not FactoryPOS certified, a set of configuration parameters are displayed.
What's new on this version: You are shown what's new in the current version of the application and its release date.
Check updates ...: If the device is connected to the Internet, it checks for system updates on the network and installs them.
Hide/Show News: With this option you can choose to receive news about new features of the application or new modules available.
Secondary terminal: Accessing this option displays a QR code that can be read from any other terminal and download the APK corresponding to the same version of the software.
About ...: Basic application information, version, license, and social media links are displayed.
If you have your device synchronized with FactoryCLOUD, this menu also displays information about pending changes to FactoryCLOUD.
If there are pending changes in FactoryCLOUD to be applied to the terminal, you will be shown the notification of the number of pending changes.
In order to apply the changes you must be in the main screen, where you will be shown a summary of the pending changes.
For more details see Pending changes in FactoryCLOUD.
Daily Cash: Through this option, you will be able to access the cash movements and the close daily report.
Reporting: Through this option, you will be able to access the X and Z statistics and reports.