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You need to create at least one User to manage the application and perform sales operations.
In the Initial Configuration you will be asked to enter the basic data for each of the Users. You can later edit this information from the configuration section.
Name: Here you must enter the name of the User.
Access Type: Here you must choose to have Admin type access to be able to access all the software options or User type access to have access to the most common functions.
You can add an image that identifies the user by clicking on the area corresponding to the image. You are given several options for image selection:
Choose an image from the WEB catalog, selecting the classification that fits the best. This option appears when you have been authenticated in FactoryCLOUD and the store has been assigned.
Choose a color that will fill the entire button. The name will appear centered on the button.
Use your own images. Use the Android Gallery to search for images on your terminal or on an external device connected to it. It is recommended to choose images of a small size.
If your device has a Camera, you can take a picture.
Password: Here you can enter a numeric password that must be entered every time you want to select this User.
In this Initial Setup screen you can create up to 10 Users. If you want to add more, edit them or modify their access permissions, go to the side menu, Data Setting, Basic tab, select Users and make the desired changes.