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Items are the units that are used to make sales. Items are grouped into Departments. In this screen, you will be able to configure both Items and Departments.
First we must add departments.
These are the data you can enter in the departments:
Basic data
Code: Here you can define the department code. By default, the system generates a sequential code, which can be changed as long as it is unique.
Visible: Select if you want this department to be available on the sales screen.
Choose an image from the WEB catalog, selecting the classification that best fits. This option appears when you have been authenticated in FactoryCLOUD and assigned the trade.
Choose a color that will fill the entire button. The name will appear centered on the button.
Use your own images. Use the Android Gallery to search for images on your terminal or on an external device connected to it. It is recommended to choose images of a small size.
If your device has a Camera, you can take a picture.
More information
Now you have several departments created.
Here you can enter the values for the item:
Code: This code is generated automatically and sequentially, it can be changed as long as it is unique. The Item can also be sold by entering this code and pressing ENTER in the sales screen.
Status: If an Item has Inactive status it cannot be sold.
Visible: If an Item is Visible it will appear on the sales screen. If an Item is Hidden, it will not appear on the sales screen, but can be sold using its code or bar-code.
Weight: If you have a weighing scale connected to the terminal, when you activate this option, when you sell the item, the price of the scale will be automatically collected.
Favorite: This item can be included in the Favorites department for faster access when selling.
Image: You can add an image or color to the Item button. Click on the button to choose from several options.
Kitchen Name: Here you can use a different description or in another language, to be printed in the kitchen, instead of the usual description.
Price levels: Here you will be able to see the Buy and Sell Price levels available for this Item and edit the values if desired. If you have more than two selling and one buying price levels then this information will be displayed in a different Price Levels tab.
Bar-code: Here you can assign the bar-code corresponding to this Item.
Department: Here you must enter the department to which this Item is grouped.
Sales Taxes / Purchase Taxes: You can set the Sales and Purchase Taxes that affect this Item.
Item Type: There are different types of Items:
Normal: These are the items that are usually sold.
Item bundle: These are the items that group others with several options to choose from.
Supplement: These are items that modify others and can add a supplementary cost.
Open Price: You can determine if the price of an item can be changed during the sale:
Always: Whenever you sell the item, the price must be entered.
Never: This item can only be sold at its preset price.
User: This item will be sold with the preset price, but if the user has permission to do so, he/she can change it during the sale.
Age verification: When selling this item, you must confirm that the customer is old enough to buy it.
In the Price Levels tab you can see all the Buying and Selling Price Levels available for this item. If you want to change any of these prices, click on the line and change it or click on the pencil icon.
Here you can enter the new price for this Price Level. You can also assign a specific Price Level for this Item, which will override any other entry in Price Levels or Consumer Areas.
In the Stocks tab, you can activate the stock control for this Item. Here you have the following options available:
Minimum Stock: You will be able to set the optimal Minimum Stock level. You have a Report of the Items with Stock Below the preset Minimum. You can also configure the application to display a warning on the sales screen for Items under Minimum Stock.
Maximum Stock: This is a purely informative field.
Stock Control: Enables Stock Control for this Item.
Selling an item with no Stock: If the stock control of this Item is enabled, you will not be able to sell the item if the stock level reaches zero.
Refund is allowed: With this option enabled, you will be able to make negative sales or returns of this Item.
Sale Units: You will be able to set whether to buy this item, by Weight, Units or Volume.
Unit of Measure: You must define the quantity of this item to be sold (Weight, Units or Volume).
Current Stock: In this field, the current stock quantity will be shown (not editable).
In the Groups tab, you will be able to add this Item to one or more Groups and Sub-Groups, in order to obtain Statistics about it. Choose the line of the Group you want to add it to and click on the Modify button.
Select here the options that best suit this Item or leave them blank.
In the Supplements tab, you can choose which Supplements will be available for this item and whether it will be mandatory to choose them. This option is not available for Item Bundles. Click the Modify button to add the Supplements.
Here you can see all the Supplement Type Items. You can choose as many as you want to be available for this Item.
You can also Force Supplements so that, when you sell the Item, you will automatically get a screen with the available Supplements for it.
In the Modifiers & KP tab, you can select the Preparation Area where this Item will be printed as a kitchen receipt and the Course Order. You can also choose which Modifier Groups will be available for this Item and whether it will be mandatory to display them when selling the Item. This option is not available for Item Bundles.
In the Preparation Area field you must select the Preparation Area corresponding to this Item or leave it blank to assign none.
In the Course Order field you must select the Course Order corresponding to this Item or leave it blank to assign none.
Click on the Modify Allergens button to add the Allergens.
Here you can see all the Allergens. You must choose the ones you want the item to be associated with.
Click the Change Modifiers button to add the Modifier Groups.
Here you can see all the Modifier Groups. You must choose the ones you want to be available when you sell this Item. When selling you can only choose one Modifier from each Group.
You can also Force Modifiers, so that the Modifiers screen appears every time you sell the item.
In the Item Bundles tab, you can add the components of each of the choice groups that make up each item bundle. This option is only available for Item Bundle type items.
Click on the Item Bundle field. Select the item bundle assigned to this item or leave it blank if you do not want to use any.
Click on the Insert button to add the components of each choice group of the item bundle.
Here you can see the list of all the items configured as Normal type items. Click on the Group field to select the choice group on which we are going to add items.
After selecting the choice group, click on the item you want to add.
You can add the filter to locate the items easily. Enter some characters of the searched name and click on the Filter button.
Now you can see the details of the item bundle composition and the items assigned to each choice group. If there are any errors, click on the corresponding line and click on the Delete button.
In the Kiosk tab, you can add an image and item information for the kiosk.
In the KDS / Extra Information tab, you can add a presentation image of the item and its information.
The information managed in this tab will appear in 2 different places:
On the sales screen, when you long click on an Item, one of the options that appears is SHOW ITEM INFORMATION. When you click on it, it will show the presentation picture of the dish, the allergens it contains, the written instructions of what ingredients make up the dish and how it should be prepared. This information will make it easier to answer any questions customers may have about any dish on the menu.
In FactoryKDS, so that cooks can see a picture of how the dish should be presented and see the allergens it contains, the written instructions of what ingredients make up the dish and how it should be prepared.
Now, you have created all the items you are going to sell.
You can move the departments up and down by dragging the button to the right of the department you want to move.
You can choose the information that will be duplicated from the original Item. Enter a name for the new Item and choose the desired options.
If you have created Matrices for Items of type color, size, or any other, you will be able to use the Matrix option to add all combinations of the selected Item.
Here you can see the available options. You will have to select the Matrix you want to assign to this item for each Choice Group.
Here you can see how all possible combinations have been generated. The code number of each Item has been created using the number of the original Item followed by the suffix of each Matrix. The description of the Matrix has also been added to the name.
You can edit the code number and the description if necessary. The bar-codes have also been created using the bar-code of the original Item followed by the suffixes of each Matrix.
Click on the button to add a new department. If you want to edit/delete the existing departments, long press on them.
Image: You can add an image that identifies the department using the button. You are given several options for image selection:
Name: Here you should enter the name of the department. If you have more languages for the texts, option will be enabled to enter the name in these languages.
Information: Here you can enter the desired information about the department. If you have more languages for the texts, option will be enabled to enter the information in these languages.
Image: Click on the button to choose between several options.
If you select a department and swipe the screen to the left to access the second item management tab, you can add items to that department using the button. Long press on an item to edit / delete it.
Name: Here you enter the name of the item. If you have more languages for the texts, option will be enabled to enter the name in these languages.
Information: Here you can enter item information. If you have more languages for the texts, option will be enabled to enter the information in these languages.
Image: Click on the button to choose between several options.
Information: Here you can enter information about the item (preparation instructions, ingredients etc). If you have more languages for the texts, option will be enabled to enter the information in these languages.
Image: Click on the button to choose between several options.
You can change the order of the departments by pressing the button on the Department screen and selecting the Order option.
You can also change the order of the Items in the current department by clicking on the button, in the Items screen, and selecting the Order option.
You can duplicate the selected item by pressing the button and selecting the Duplicate option. This will allow you to create new Items with similar properties faster.
Select an Item, press the button, and select the Matrix option.
In this screen, you will see all the options for this item. To create the new Matrix press the Generate button.
You can edit one of the Matrix by clicking on its line and then clicking on the Edit button.
You can delete one of the Matrix by clicking on its line and then clicking on the Delete button. Your confirmation will be requested to complete the action.
You can delete all the Matrix by clicking on the Delete ALL button. Your confirmation will be requested to complete the action.